or bitlocker or SED encrypted drives, of any kind or like kind. why not do that.? ( read my list carefully, see what I am doing here?.run the disk for a month or more, knowing the old 1TB is safe and ready if needed.test it, and make sure all apps work, many will not, so do a COA key reset with the maker, next, 1/2 will fail, IMO.
#How to clone hard drive to ssd easeus Pc
boot the PC and test your new creation, note how the old drive is sitting on your shelf near by safe. remove the old SSD 1TB (park it) and put the 2TB in the same SATA port (dell blue port 0). When the new SSD 2TB is done, cloning.(migrating) stop and shut down, and then. Run what ever clone you want, I use many but the free minitools works as does many. run PCTRANS and backup the APPS, next. back up data (as any guide on earth tells you this is step 1). Why not just do it the SAFEWay and not need to ask anyone what the results will be, (hint nobody on earth knows this) oK> is that clear.? I tested it with 100 apps, and it works, only some APPS required me to tell the maker, what I did and get COA match autorized, (what will be, well be, no guessing ever this) why not you> (for sure have APP COA keys on hand) You do know the APPS you have do not like cloning, right? going in ,know that, even test it. I paid for my Application backup tool, and IT DOES WORK. 1995? IIRC, zero experience using SECUREBOOT + clone, (study that hard if you have that) and have lot lots of cloning experience back to day one first tool ever. Now you are not like the 99% of PC owners (read email /facebook only)you have many and or TOP applications that are not easy to reload, sure I am one too. The top tools (can I keep both drives in the PC, why do that?) allow you set the new drive so its own GUID is unique and not have 2 drives (exact true mirror and the horrors of that) oK ? even free Mintools does that.
Ok if the hDD is good and the OS is not corrupted, any clone tool works, there are many tools, no iimit there. Is the HDD now, set up for secure boot? (first things first, IS IT?) 1TB to 2TB SSD clone (or as top makers call it OS Migration) there are 2 cloning types, sector and spart